Wendy's Food Blog

Wendy's Food Blog


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Recent Dinner Dishes...

吃過我老爸的菜的人 一定都知道他是個很好的廚師 拿手的菜數都數不清
今天我要嘗試做他的拿手菜之一 紅燒獅子頭
像不像我爸做的我是不知道啦 但還滿好吃的 嘿嘿

My dad is a great chef. Those that knows him have tasted him many fabulous dishes. One of my favorites is the Chinese "Lion-Head" Meatballs.  Which is marinated ground pork with braised Napa Cabbage. Here I tried to recreate it from scratch, and as it turns out, it's pretty delicious!

Chopped Napa Cabbage, Green Onions, and Ground Pork.
Mix it all up with seasonings.
Shape into balls and fry them up.
Put all the seasoning and Napa Cabbage along w/ some Shitaki Mushrooms into a pot.
Add the meatballs
Braise in low heat for an hour or two.
And voila! Tasty dish of Lion's Head Meatballs.
Here I took the leftover ground pork mix and made some pot stickers for Kaelan. He loves pot stickers. 把剩的餡拿來包餃子

Making the dough.
Finished product.
Chinese hot pot is a staple for every household in the winter time.  (This is wikipedia's definition of hot pot: less commonly Chinese fondue or steamboat, refers to several East Asian varieties of stew, consisting of a simmering metal pot of stock at the center of the dining table. While the hot pot is kept simmering, ingredients are placed into the pot and are cooked at the table. Typical hot pot dishes include thinly sliced meat, leafy vegetables, mushrooms, wontons, egg dumplings, and seafood. The cooked food is usually eaten with a dipping sauce. In many areas, hot pot meals are often eaten in the winter.)

All the herbs / spices for the soup base.

Soaking up the dried ingredients.

Beef rib eye round steak & pork slices.

Fried Tofu, Daikon, Mushrooms, Napa Cabbage, Corn

Oh and a Chinese hot pot vegetable (the green stuff)

Soup base simmered after couple hours.

All cooked up and ready to eat,  Bon Appetit~


  1. You should put what all the ingredients are. In both hotpot and meatballs, you just say "spice" or "herb"
